Style yourself, your way

Stylist Sarah Gray empowers you to not simply follow trends or others’ opinions but to find your true self in what you wear and - ultimately - your greatest confidence.
Style yourself your way, Origineurs podcast interview with Sarah Gray, hosted by Loretta MilanStyle yourself your way, Origineurs podcast interview with Sarah Gray, hosted by Loretta Milan

We live in an era where – whether we like it or not – image is more prominent than ever.

A big part of this is personal style. 

In this episode of the Origineurs podcast, we’re joined by stylist, Sarah Gray, who’ll empower you to not simply follow trends or others’ opinions but to find your true self in what you wear and – ultimately – your greatest confidence.

And, she has three important questions you need to ask your wardrobe today.

Why finding your style matters.

Whether it’s on social media, at work, or in our personal lives – wherever we step out – we are creating an impression. And, it doesn’t take long. 

According to a study by Princeton psychologists Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, it takes just a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from their face.

And, what you wear builds even more of a picture. 

With London Fashion Week in full swing as this episode airs, it’s a reminder that the constant drive to create the latest trends for people to follow and influence what you wear is very much alive. 

Sarah, however, is on a mission to change how we think about style, moving away from how fast we can follow fashion, to how we can instead follow our own originality and create an impression that we don’t pull off the hanger – or shove on and hope for the best – but that we tailor make for ourselves. 

About Sarah Gray.

Sarah Gray is a personal stylist who speaks regularly at events across the UK as well as in the media – most recently on Sky News.

Access the Style Finder.

In this episode, Sarah mentions the free Style Finder she’s created to help you take the first step in defining your original style.

The Style Finder is based around the questions Sarah encourages you ask your wardrobe – and any new item you intend to buy – to help you develop your style, your way.

To access the Style Finder, click the button below and the opportunity to get your copy is at the bottom of the page. 

Categories: Origineurs
Loretta Milan: Loretta Milan is the founder of Origineurs and an award-winning communication expert who has been helping people stand out and succeed for over 20 years, including leaders of big global brands, entrepreneurs and change makers.
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