Amazing things can happen when you tap into the power of your originality.

Hey original!

We’re taking a break from podcasting in 2025 while we're working on the groundwork for a research project into originality and there will be some great opportunities to be involved. We'll be able to share the details from the autumn and, if you'd like to be the first to hear, hit the button below to become an insider.


The problem with being too humble

Humility can be good. Nothing is more off putting than arrogance. But, being too humble can lead to you underselling yourself and missing out on opportunities. Discover how you can strike a balance, create a great impression and elevate your success.

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Should you fake it ’til you make it?

Have you ever been tempted to fake it ‘til you make it? It can be an alluring shortcut for the ambitious but it’s fraught with problems. The good news is there’s a better way and your greatest success can come as the ‘real you’.

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The real stars of our world

What makes a star? The truth may surprise you. In this interview we explore the way stars turn up in our lives, the impact they make, and why they’re so important to our success.

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noun: Great people who makes great things happen, their way.

Hi there, origineur!

I'm Loretta Milan, communication expert and founder of Origineurs. For over 20 years, I've been helping people stand out and succeed, from leaders of big brands, to entrepreneurs and change makers. I’m passionate about giving great ideas and great people a great voice. It's more important than ever that Origineurs with big ambitions for a bright future, get noticed and can make an impact. You make the future!

Loretta Milan
Founder, Origineurs