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What is an Origineur?

What is an Origineur?

This episode's highlights.

  • (00:18) Origineurs use their originality to do great things
  • (01:09) Do things that others think are impossible 
  • (01:58) Be the Origineur you are made to be
  • (02:20) Succeed in your original way

You have the gift of originality.

Originality is your greatest gift.

Every one of us has an original blend of experiences, skills, personality and values. It all adds up to give you unique potential.

Origineurs tap into the power of their originality to make amazing things happen whether they have a personal ambition or are on a mission to make the world brighter.

Origineurs have dreams, passions and ideas.

But, most importantly, they take action.

They are making an impact everywhere – in business, in workplaces, in charities, in education – anywhere where there’s an opportunity to do things in a greater way.

No two Origineurs are exactly alike and why would they want to be?

Why should success mean you have to be the same as everyone else or follow the same path? Why should success mean fitting in or constraining yourself to a mould?

Origineurs make a special impact.

Time and time again, Origineurs prove to be the history makers. By thinking differently, they invent new solutions that revolutionise the way we live.

They do the things that others think are impossible, because they refuse to give up. They rise up when faced with challenges, and create opportunities.

Origineurs also have the opportunity to make headlines today because unleashing originality creates the edge that takes us into space, wins elite sports, builds top businesses, and memorable artistry.

But, you don’t need to make the headlines to be an Origineur. Origineurs are making a difference at every level, big and small, all over the world, every day.

We all have the potential to be an Origineur and make our own mark.

Whether it’s succeeding as an entrepreneur, elevating your career, stepping up to champion a great cause, or another goal that’s important to you, it’s time to be the Origineur you are made to be.

Ready for the ultimate inspiration?

Whatever the size of your mission and your ambition, the Origineurs podcast is here to inspire you to succeed in your original way.

I’m your host, Loretta Milan, and for over 20 years I’ve helped Origineurs embrace their originality so they can stand out and do amazing things, including entrepreneurs, change makers, and leaders of global brands.

We’ll be sharing expert tips and practical steps to unleash your originality so you can make the most of it and maximise your success.

You’ll also enjoy regular inspiration from Origineurs around the world.

These are real people who are tapping into their originality to do incredible things. And, we’re proud to be sharing stories that may not make the headlines but deserve to be heard.

Guests will open up about how they’ve achieved what they have and how they’ve made it through the challenges as well as the important lessons they’ve learned along the way.

These powerful stories will fire you up to make your dreams happen!

So, subscribe now below because – Origineur – this is your time.

You make the future!

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