
Welcome to the Origineurs podcast

The Origineurs podcast inspires you to use your unique blend of skills, experiences, personality, values, passion and ideas to make amazing things happen, and shout about it! Your originality gives you the potential to stand out and make a big impact. Through being noticed, and being visible for who they are, Origineurs become a powerful influence. It’s this influence that’s key to their success.

Your host every week is Loretta Milan – a seasoned communication expert with over 20 years’ experience helping great people stand out and succeed, from leaders of big brands, to entrepreneurs and change makers.

Join us every Tuesday to discover the secrets to using the power of your unique voice to achieve your ambitions, whether you’re just starting out or looking to build your audience, grow your influence and maximise your success. We’ll explore topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, motivation, mindset, and more.

New season arrives on 4th June 2024. 

Discover what it's all about!

Latest episodes...

You are original

In a world of billions, no two people are exactly alike, yet so often, we find ourselves trying to fit into moulds that don’t suit us. It’s time to embrace your originality. It’s your superpower.

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Dream big, achieve more

We’re talking about the eight ways we limit our own potential and how to break through those barriers. This is all about dreaming bigger, pushing past fear, and embracing our unique paths to success.

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Increase your visibility

Hard work isn’t enough to ensure success. Being seen, heard and trusted by the right people is a game changer. We dive into the five ways you can become more visible and valuable.

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How to handle advice

Whether it’s personal decisions, career moves, or even navigating social dynamics, advice is everywhere. How do we decide what to take on board and what to politely decline? There are seven types of advice and some top tips.

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Come up with winning ideas

How do you come up with great ideas and nurture them into winning ones? Whether you’re creative at heart or seeking to make your mark, this episode is packed with insights for making your ideas a reality.

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Your host

Loretta Milan is a communication expert and founder of Origineurs. For over 20 years she has been helping people stand out and succeed, from leaders of big brands, to entrepreneurs and change makers.

She’s passionate about giving great ideas and great people a great voice.

It’s more important than ever that Origineurs with big ambitions for a bright future, get noticed and can make an impact. Your voice make the future!